We have gathered a list of our favorite websites that can be really inspiring for both designers and developers as they feature great sites or tutorials.
Codrops by Tympanus is one of the widely known blogs that publishes tutorials and articles about the latest trends and new possibilities. The authors / contributors are amongst the most influential web developers on the web. Once a week a new collective is being posted, that features the latest news & resources.
CodePen is founded by Alex Vazquez, Tim Sabat and Chris Coyier, aimed to be a playground for the front end side of the web. It became more than that as everyday there are many new Pens by the users who upload their ideas to demonstrate their work, exchange ideas or even share something with someone else! It also features popular/recent/picked pens to help you get inspired and learn.
Awwwards is a portal that features awards for web design, creativity and innovation. There is also a developer award. Designers & Developers go through their really long lists of nominees and winners it to get inspired and see the trends in websites and animations but you can also promote your own website as a nominee for an award.
4. FWA
FWA stands for Favourite Website Awards and just like Awwwards, it features lists of nominees and winners. FWA showcases progressively designed sites who use new technologies, together with creative ideas, that inspire designers & developers.
As the title suggests, SiteInspire is a showcase of websites in several fields. The visitor may browse sites by styles, types, subjects and platforms that makes it easier for designers and developers who look for more specific information.